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people typed: 143

About the method


     Visual typology - a method of identification of Jung's Psychological Types using visual recognition of cognitive functions. This method requires the deepest understanding of psychology and physiology of human being.

      Cognitive functions define the way information from the outside world is perceived and evaluated in our brains as well as the way data from our conscious/unconscious comes to the outer world: gestures; movements of eyes which are directly involved in observing and absorbing data; because of the strong consistency throught our entire lifes, this process influences our physique, etc. There are patterns that tell us an absolute consistency between human beings with the same set of cognitive functions regardless of ethnicity, phenotype, subrace. There is a system of clues and signs which allow us flowlessly identify each separate function on any person.

     Cognitive functions define the way our brain works and our brains define the way we use our bodies. This is why this method allows us to unmistakebly identify and type people by cognitive function set they use, which makes it the ultimate typing instrument available.



     It should be noted that method used is not the same as methods used by other visual typers and thus I do not associate it or their typings with anything other than my own. 

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