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people typed: 143


Most frequent questions answered:


What is this place?

It is a typology site of Jung's Psychological Types. Its main purpose is to develop the original ideas of Jung. Main field of study is visual identification of Cognitive Functions. 

On this site, you can follow/subscribe/bookmark to the ever updating gallery of the types as well as request a typing of a person or yourself for free.


Visual typology - legit or gimmick?

It is legit. It has been proven with absolute consistency on people who are sure of their type.  The opinions of the general typing community have a very strong correlation with the types of visually identified celebrities (usually the most or second most popular type for a given person). It is a perfect method to find the true type of a person without a need to debate.


How does it work?

Cognitive functions define the way information from the outside world is perceived and evaluated in our brains as well as the way data from our conscious/unconscious comes to the outer world: gestures; movements of eyes which are directly involved in observing and absorbing data. Because of the strong consistency throught our entire lifes, this process influences even our physique. There are patterns that tell us an absolute consistency between human beings with the same set of cognitive functions regardless of ethnicity, phenotype, subrace. There is a set of clues to identify each function accurately (for a trained eye).


I don't know/not sure about my type. Could I be video-typed?

Yes, you can be video typed. In order to do this, you must create and upload a video.  Instructions and questionnaire are located in "Type Me" section of the site.


What time is required to visually type people?

The time required to type people can vary. It depends on how pronounced and obvious the person's clues are, the quality of material (video, if it is not IRL). There are stereotypical representatives of their types both physically and mentally, as well as very complex and strange individuals. Some requare a very serious analysis. 

Typing for the gallery, on average, takes about 1 hour per person.


Could I request to visually type a celebrity

Yes. You can do this by filling this request form.


Do you type people by photos?

No, typing people by photos is a bad idea. It is pure trivia, and I will not give my word on the accuracy of such a method.

However, given all the expirience I have, I can narrow down people's types in such a way that it is possible to logically conclude their type, which is why there is a section under construction about typing historical and legendary people by their painted portraits, sculptures, etc.


Do you type fictional characters?

Only actors who play the characters. Bias/stereotype free people typing based on their interviews.

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